Ina Korioth / Germany
2 comments - 07.10.08 - 14:03:06  (+)
13.02.07 - 20:19:40  (+)
My great grandparents, Ida and Andreas Korioth migrated to Texas from Germany. I thought it would be interesting to see what relatives we might have in common. I am always interested in my family history. Korioth is not a common name, I am certain we are distantly related. If you are interested in communicating, please email me.

Thank you,
Mary Korioth
Houston, Texas
Mary Korioth - maryk18()
07.10.08 - 14:03:06  (+)
Dear Mary
today i find your e-mail. i will ask
my fahter and uncle. My uncle live
20 jears bevor in Houston Texas. he
was a Korioth too. when i know more
i will send it to you.
greetings from hamburg
Ina Korioth - ina.korioth()
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